Answers to Questions people ask about hepatitis

How does one know one has hepatitis?

Most cases of hepatitis present with no symptoms. In other words, they are detected to have the virus when they go for routine tests eg pre operative testing or to donate blood for transfusion. Some people who have some form of hepatitis feel like they have the common cold. Some of these flu-like symptoms include: weakness, tiredness, and nausea. Other people have yellow skin or dark-colored urine.

Which hepatitis is curable?

Hepatitis A, E and C are curable, but hepatitis B is preventable by vaccination. Hepatitis B is not curable, but it is treatable with good outcomes. Research is ongoing for cure of hepatitis B.(you can check on this blog regularly for updates).

Can one get hepatitis C or B from kissing?

Hepatitis B or C cannot be transmitted through casual contact such asa sharing cups, eating utensils with an infected person. Holding hands, kissing and hugging are not recognised means of transmission of hepatitis B or C. However, sharing sharps such as toothbrushes can potentially lead to introduction of the virus from an infected person to one that does not have the infection.

Can one have hepatitis and not know it?

Simple answer to that question is YES. Many people who are infected with hepatitis B or C virus do not know they are infected because they do not look or feel sick.

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