Treatment eligibility for chronic hepatitis B infection

Not everyone that has chronic hepatitis B (hepatitis B lasting more than 6 months) would require treatment. According to WHO publication of July 2019, only 1-4 out of every 10 persons infected by hepatitis B will require treatment.

Why is this?

There are robust criteria that have been internationally agreed, which needs to be fulfilled before treatment for hepatitis B is administered. These criteria are simplified as follows:

  1. Liver enzyme, ALT of greater than 60U/mL in men and 38U/mL in women, regardless of HBeAg status.
  2. HBV DNA (viral load) of greater than 20,000IU/mL

In some instances, any elevation of ALT would do, especially, if there is significant stiffening of the liver detected at scan.

When followed up, research has shown that 30% of those that did not fulfill treatment eligibility became eligible within 3 years. Above underlies the importance of regular follow up.


  1. Replies
    1. Go to your nearest hospital and you will be guided as to what to do.

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