Can multivitamins cure hepatitis B?

Claims of cure of hepatitis B by combinations of multivitamins

There has been claims of what many have unfortunately, accepted as truth, regarding the use of multivitamins for curing hepatitis B. A lot of ignorant people have been deceived into parting with their resources in order to pay up bills for such treatment.

Current evidence, that has been scientifically and clinically proven to treat chronic hepatitis B does not approve the use of vitamin combinations.

Two forms of treatment are currently available globally:

  1. Oral tablets - these are antivirals, prescribed according to set out criteria.
  2. Injectable medicine - this is administered subcutaneouly (under the skin).

Read more articles to understand the criteria and current treatment. Alternatively, access more help via this android app below.

Liver Health App

Studies regarding the efficacy of multivitamins in the treatment of hepatitis did not confirm that this approach is effective. You can read more
Vitamins in the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis


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