Claims of "Fruits and Glucose D"-7-day-cure for hepatitis - My response

Fruits and Glucose D to cure hepatitis within 7 days? - My response

According to an advanced African traditional medical company Ltd article, I read, trending on social media, promised cure for acute and chronic hepatitis being offered to persons in Nigeria, that have hepatitis. I understand from the article that several persons are parting with 40,000 NGN (more than the monthly income of an average Nigerian), in order to get cured of their hepatitis. Many others are asking for locations of this treatment centres so they can go there for cure. The proponents of this treatment claim that those seeking treatments need to try them to see the outcome. They actually published their Corporate Affairs Commission certificate on the social network site for people to accept their authenticity. An intelligent person asked a genuine question regarding the disparity of their claims and those of clinical literature. Their response was even more surprising! Instead of providing the evident-based research that proves their claim, the reply was simply dismissive and aimed at discrediting sound scientific reasoning. They simply stated that the reason doctors do not promise cure is that whereas their concoction is curative, orthodox medicine does not cure hepatitis. As a liver specialist as well as a clinician with a humane heart, versatile in clinical as well as scientific research, I aim to provide information to those that wish to receive proper guidance in the management of hepatitis.

I had provided various information elsewhere on the treatment eligibility of hepatitis as well as the place of diet and lifestyle modification in the management of hepatitis. You can check either the blog or use the app, Hepatitis Nigeria Network (available on google playstore). In those write ups, I had itemised the fact that not all persons with hepatitis would benefit from treatment. In other words, you do not need to get agitated and thus yield to manipulations of gimmicks (such as this so-called traditional medical company person) to seek cure. Indeed, adults who contract hepatitis B acutely, will recover without treatment. Secondly, of those with chronic hepatitis B (infection lasting more than 6 months), only about 2 out of 10 infected persons will benefit from treatment at the start. The remainder would need to be monitored further, as there is still a 30% chance of fulfilling the eligibility criteria for treatment. Most persons would remain at chronic inactive carrier status and lead normal lifespan and may die from an unrelated condition.

The criteria I referred to above stemmed from sound basic science and clinical research over several decades. It is not by assumptions and thus can be traced and authenticated.

Chronic viral hepatitis are caused by viruses. These have been researched by science and proven to respond to certain medications by pharmacological, laboratory and clinical research in several countries of the world. The outcomes of those research are available to be read from peer-reviewed scientific journals. Peer reviews remove bias from wrong conclusions. It is surprising that in this time and age, 2020, people still trust foolish conclusions about unvalidated treatments and give themselves as guinea pigs to certain persons; whose major plan is to economically deprive you of your resources.

Some of you may ask how we can explain their claims of diminished viral loads or rather the difference between the pre treatment and post treatment outcomes of their acclaimed cures. My response is that flaws of reporting exist. Also, validation of tests may be lacking. Anyone can produce results and publish them as authentic on the internet, unless regulated by an authorised body. I am therefore, doubtful of the results that these self-acclaimed curers of hepatitis report. As doctors, we take the oath of practice as well as being regulated by national authorities. Our management strategies are validated by legal systems that checks our practices and we are answerable to those regulatory bodies. All of these are to ensure patient safety!

In clinical practice, it is not uncommon to see some of the patients that may have been cleared of hepatitis to return to hospital several months or years later on with end stage liver disease, at which point, it becomes too late to provide treatment for them.

In conclusion, I would advise that in 2020, persons who can read and write, use their minds to access safe information rather than feed upon Chinese whispers, thus predisposing themselves to wrong treatments. You can as well use your hard earned resources to eat a balanced diet, buying the same fruits and glucose D at a smaller fee, than to give to an unsafe person, whose concoctions my actually produce more harm to your system. Watch out for update on this in our next article.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
    liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
    reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
    became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
    ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
    treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
    the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
    treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.

  3. Good day everyone, two months ago  I was diagnosed with (urethral cancer), which had caused me a great deal of pain and pressure on my bladder. My doctor insisted that there was no other choice but to go under the knife. So everyday I was online searching for herbal medication. I never want to undergo any surgery. so. I have so many testimonies on how they were healed by dr. Imoloa herbal medication. without wasting time i contacted him (dr. Imoloa). on how to get the herbal remedies. I received the herbal package in less than a month, and I followed the steps and procedure on how I should be taking it. and one months later I was scheduled for an ultrasound check: it was shocking. The cancer had completely gone, I had consulted my doctor and canceled the surgery and with your dedicated counseling guidance I managed to completely treat the urethral cancer, along with the pain and anxiety that this condition had inflicted on me. a big thanks to God almighty, thank you Dr. Imoloa for the powerful herbal medication you have to cure people. you reach him on Email- WhatsApp number- +2347081986098.

  4. I had swollen stomach and severe ribs pain plus vomiting last year, so I went to the hospital and was diagnosed for HEPATITIS B. I was given drugs to relieve the pain and to reduce the viral load, the medicine work a little but the pain got worse after sometime, until I saw a lady’s medical recommendation about Dr. Iyabiye. I reached out to the doctor for help hence I was told it has no hospital cure. I got cured after taking his medication for one month, I went for test 3 times and they all confirmed me free to hepatitis. Doctor’s contact: / call: +234-815-857-7300.


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