Why hepatitis is different in Africa

There are several reasons to explain the disparities observed regarding the presentation, diagnosis, treatment and outcomes of viral hepatitis in African countries. About 100 million persons are infected with chronic hepatitis viruses across Africa. The resources for care of this infection are however limited in supply in these economically deprived areas of the world. Some reasons that have been suggested to be responsible for these differences include:

  • Lack of accurate epidemiological data.
  • Weak health systems.
  • Blood transfusion systems are lagging behind western peers, in regards to optimised pre-transfusion screening.
  • Proliferation of alternative medical practice, claiming cures of the viral infection.
  • Lack of adequate coverage in terms of provision of education to health care professionals.


  1. Very apt information & a true reflection of our condition in Africa

    1. We hope to change the narrative with dedicated education and campaigns

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